Tuesday, February 12, 2008

NIKE AIR ZOOM that looks like FEDEX's SHOES

Last, last, last week I went to Nike boutique in Pavillion hoping that they are selling the RF Nike Hat and to get Donat's snickers. At the shop, I ask the salesperson whether they already have the RF Hat and this is what he said " Sori la kak, kite kat sini support Nadal" errrr...I have no offense again Nadal and I don't really get what this guy means with the explanation. He could have just said, it's not in stock or we are not selling it..why should he mention they are supporting Nadal. Hey, I am Nadal's fan too! He doesn't have his cap so I bought Fedex's. And I fall in love with Nike Zoom footwear. Sadly they no longer have my size..huhuhuhu...I really love it as it really resembled Fedex's shoe during Australian Open...


HEMY said...

huuu..nike air???aku ada ACG je..nike tempo..sudah kena rembat..whahaha

weh..mat rempit tu..kalu takde ilmu, jgn la ngada2 nk halang ke apa..sbb tu ramai yg tgok ngan selesa. bhya..kalu kita tlong then ramai2 support takpe.

ni kita tlg sorg2..yg lain tgok je..pastu kena tetak plak..yinnadeeyy..dunia makin kejam

Adeshi said...

ye ke? waduh2..susah la mcm ni..makin kejam la dunia...kesian kat orang yg dtg keje naik motor..kdg2 dicop rempit oleh aku ni ha...sorry ah anul..ko baik punye..aku tau...
ACG mahal ape...gile best..aku nak tunggu bonus baru beli ni...kempunan2

Anonymous said...

wahhh dasat korg...aku langsung tadek kasut sukan ahahaha byk high heels jerk wekekeke..nak bli gak la :P

aah btul ckp hasnul tu adesh.
kt wangsa maju lg la byk mat2 rempit yg skrg nih jadik mat2 ragut. yg sadisnya sume melayu eii malu weh..tp bahaya tau...kalo sorg2 baik lepas kan je handbag tu jgn melawan nnt kene tetak..

errr...ade ke bonus??? :P:P:P