Monday, January 26, 2009


Well, it's already Day 26th of 2009! And yet I still want to wish you all a very Happy New Year! I purposely do the wishing today as today is Chinese New Year...the year of the ox, bull..whatever you call it! So it is kinda like doubling up 2 good thing. And not to forget Awal Muharam in December. Let me briefly, if not in detail, what has been happening to me- my long silence it is! It's gonna be a lengthy note this time I presume! Now, I will wear my heart upon my sleeve!

I've been busy. Lame excuse for working people, yes I know but it has been used widely by everybody who is in the same class as mine. And people will respond with - "Come on, you can't be THAT busy. At least you still can find some time to meet up, movies, sms etc." Well, they don't have any ideas what I have been through and how demanding my job gets recently!

upon arrival @ London..such a long flight! 14 hours...and I really hate flying!

Let me start on what I have been doing for the past few months, say November? I was in London people!!! wuhuuu...and this is again the phrase which I really hate to hear - "Wow, it's really nice, how I wish I can work like you. I don't mind going there for business trip as long as I can go, I can handle the work." WRONG!! If I have a chance to choose, I would rather stay and not go to London. Why? It was such a stressfull experience with a capital S! I worked across MY and GB time zone...I have to deal with KL as well as pleased people in GB. And I need to get ready for the presentation (which I managed to escape at the very last minute) thanks to my CON-sultant skills.

Working with people in GB are very stressfull. I slept at 1am and woke up around 4-5am in the morning to finish my work - not because jet lag because I can cheat my eye as it controls my biological clock. With all the torture and endless night, I really can't wait to go back! Thank god I have such a wonderful team :D supportive and they are the main reason I still have the drive and motivation to my work but they are, most of the time demanding too! :P ooooopss!

I wouldn't deny it that I do enjoy being there too, and the fact that my shopping therapy successfully brings me back to sanity...making me enjoying London! And the demanding GB consultant, endless meeting, half an hour lunch making me a better person. I can feel the vibes until today, my voice is louder to be heard, my thoughts are sharper to be used, my curiosity increases, my instinct improve...and to name a few. Most impressive of all is I know how to fight fire with fire! But, I do admit my sarcasm level increases when all of the above mention climbs higher to the peak! Sorry for anybody that I have hurt along the way, but people sometimes need a reality check and they should learn to live in the real world. Am I finger pointing
to any specific person? No!! Please don't get me this is general!

Thanks people! yor are the best! People from Shell London, Netherlands and Glasgow!

My daily scenery while commuting to the office (plus the London eye). I can never get a nice view like this during my daily commute in KL can't I?

Before going to London, the prep work had already got me killed. And I do wish I would never have joined the team :P and the post work had even got me killed..twice. Luckily I still have another 7...but I took a few decent pictures in London..but not too many as I don't have ample time to do so..and carrying SLR everyday to office really creeps the people over there!
These are some of the pictures that I managed to shoot. More @ my Flickr page!

Ehem ehem, business class..upper deck :P

Just arrived! Our first day in London..after food hunting!

That's what happening in Nov. December was full of holiday! holiday here and there...and I got myself a nice break from work since most of the consultant were on looong leave due to Xmas and New Year! I didn't go anywhere and didn't plan to, even meeting up with friends was not in the agenda. I really need my time off alone..away from people. Talking and dealing with people really tiring me...and holiday without people around was really a good therapy for me back then. Don't get me wrong as it was only temporary! I am a social type of person and likes mingling and hanging up with's just that Dec wasn't the right time for it. :D My friends might already labelled me as snob or whatever...I don't mind..I am so used to prejudice and ill mannered people until at some point I found them as funny little creature that God created for my entertainment ;) But alas, Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more I will try to correct things this year and I hope can remember my close fren's bday!!

And January..hmm..what about it? I started it off with a series of unfortunate events!!! Until one of my team mate said that starting off a year like that might be some omen of something bigger that will happen. Gulp! I'm sweating...let's analyze how bad the situation shall we?
1- Bad hair cut - stupid2 stylist..I would have never goes to her if my regular place open.
2- 3 deaths - agonizing, tearful and real deep impact to me. Don't ask who...I might cried again and again without fail
3- Jeans alteration - the tailor cut it too short! crap..crap..crap!
4- Work wise - This is where 50% of the unfortunate events came from a lot...additional task...reshuffling of the team..and the list goes on.
5- Healthwise - I started off new year with fever, flu and cough for 2 weeks! wuhuu..what about that?
6- I have gained weight! Sighs...time to stop eating and start moving those legs!!!
7- Egoism, lies and betrayal..yes...that!

Besides the ill fate that fell upon me, I still have wonderful things happening to me this year
1- I am now the proud owner of my rabbits :D they are such an adorable creature. Love them to bits.
2- I am blessed with the ability to careless about work :D not anymore
3- I got my focus back for my work recently..hope it will last for a coupl of weeks
4- I learn how to wear flats and no heels for the moment sick of them!
5- Coach handbag coming soon? :D wink2
6- New lens coming soon? wink2
7- Island trip just around the corner? wink2
8- SG trip in mid 09? wink2
9- Bandung trip with old frens? wink2
10- Unknown trip with frens? wink2
11- Kelantan trip at the end of the year? wink2
12- I got more organized...
13- Roger got it through to the quaterfinals - haha..childish me..but hey, he's my idol :D

Now is the winter of our discontent! I got it all booked and I even have them marked until Dec and only Feb left without any activities!! Not just yet! wuuhuuu...prob considering MPO or Rihanna. I am still thinking while the clock is ticking. All's well that ends well!!


Anonymous said...

selamat kembali adah..
dh lame aku x bc blog ko..since ko x tulih cite2 bru..:D

Adeshi said...

itulaa..aku ni kejap on off aje..tak konsisten :P thank you ena!

Anonymous said...

okeh! terus kan mem'blogging'( hancor cmni bahs melayu) ehhehe..
compeni ko x kna tempieh gawat ke?