Friday, July 6, 2007


It was a frustating day yesterday...
I took a leave without without my desire and yet no excitement during the free time...

I went missing yesterday..All communication line is broke between me and the outer world...
I wasn't scared but worried about work...and donut...afraid that my friends will be worrying about me...
If this is 20++years back then..people will just ignore my 4-5 hours absence in the world...but since there is this cellphone thingy...people will notice if you went missing even in only 3 hours.
My hand had a small cut...because of the pressure put at the knob...
Syu and Shahida is looking and gossipping of where am I during that time...
All my belongings inside the room...and it as locked....
4:00pm..donut came to my house..thank God he has the spare keys...but he didnt have the spare keys to the room...we try to break my own room..and to no avail...
Call Ah hung ther maintenance guy...and at 7:00pm...freedom is back...
I haven't had my bed were all still messed up...what a boring day...and there my cellphone lying on the bed...
Pheww...It was like a very boring day..even nothing I can do to make it interesting..even when I am writing it...

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