Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Tadi...tergigit lidah..ouch...thought that it is a normal cut..but..tengok2 kat cermin dalam lif (nasib baik sempat close the door before orang berlari2 nak masuk)...teruknye...bengkak and kaler hitam seperti lebam :( sighs...

I guess today is really not a lucky day for me...semua benda tak menjadik...very bad luck...when I am driving..I feel something bothering me...and I did redundant work last nite until 3 a.m...And I can't concentrate during the training...and yes..the tergigit lidah thing !

But I guess the most terrible of all is what happen during this exact date in 2004...Four years ago...it's 27th May 2004 and everything went wrong that day...terribly wrong..worst day of my life ever :( undeniably sad...

Well...I guess people hardly knows this but 4 years ago..on this exact date and almost the exact time..my mother passed away because of heart attack in Hospital Ipoh...No sign..no warning...She left us without signs :( She neither sick nor suffering from heart desease...but yes...Her time has come to an end...And part of me had come to an end..together with her memory..

I could never forget her...even in my pinkest of health or my worst pf time...I will always love her unconditionally...She always appeared in my dreams...Hugging and kissing me...Telling me advice...which somehow relates to my current situations...And in my dreams..she is not alive...as people will assumed she is...But in all my dreams somehow she's dead...but allowed to visit us on ad-hoc basis which neither both of us knowing. WHne she's given the chance...she will come...And at the end of the dreams she will wave goodbye to me as her time has ended...she has to go... :(

And I remember waking up from my dream...Crying...alone...without mummy :(

Let's sedekahkan Al-Fatihah pade Almarhumah Robiah bt. Othman..semoga rohnye dikalagan orang yang beriman...Amin :)

I miss u mak..I love u mak...


theshoppingplace.com said...


kata-kata ko membuatkan aku nak balik kg jumper mak aku...

Fiza Zainal Abidin said...

Al-fatihah tuk ur mom Adesh :(..Al-fatihah to my mom too..

yup...the hardest thing in our life ialah tuk teruskan hidup without her kan...kdg2, rse mcm...part of our soul dh dibawa pegi..

mak aku pon pegi without any sign..then, the doc diagnosed kan sbgi heart attack :(

Jaja : balik la selalu sementara masih ada nih jaja... :)

Adeshi said...

Jaja : Itulah..balek la kampung selalu...appreciate what u have now :D

Fiza : Itulah Fiza, orang yang pernah mengalami aje akan paham kan? and sebenarnye it is harder than it looks...and people assume that we can heal..but actually...it's impossible to heal...sedih2

Anonymous said...

adah..aku sedih bc blog ko psl arwah cikgu peah dulu aka arwah mak ko..cikgu yg mmg plg keibuan...
tetibe tingat lak...ms arwah mak ko
ngajo aku ms darjah 3...
emm..al-fatihah utk arwah mak ko cikgu rabiah..

Hasnor said...

Err sedihnye! cm sebak sorang2 plak aku bace nih.. :( Al fatihah