Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Me or not me?

People always thought that I am a sweet talker, soft spoken etc...hihi...WRONG!
People always thought that I changed because of my environment...WRONG!

This is the TRUTH...

I try to be a sweet talker etc and sometimes put an effort to act like other word..diplomatic
I tried and it works...but until the point that I hate myself doing that..or when I feel too much acting makes me sick...then came my real self.

I am not saying I am a bad mouth or usually I talk on what I want matter how hard it is on the other side..I have practiced this 'free talk' since young until I graduate...And this explains why I have less friends but a very true friend indeed where we still stick until now...Boys hate me in high school..saying that I am stubborn...well..usually the other girls just follow their ideas opinions etc...aha..not for me and my buddies (8 of us)...until they call us Geng gagak hitam. People who disagree with them is their enemy...

But working life forced me to be someone that I don't. I tend to compromise (a good thing but too much is sickening), I tend to be queit and do whatever the boss says...etc etc...

Now, I feel like I should take off the mask..and let the world face the real me...I know, I might get warned here and there(It happens before)...but...I don't care...I am revealing myself bit by bit as I think I have low confidence in being the real me...(usually all the thoughts..stay inside)

Thinking about the faces that I am gonna see at work..makes me wants to puke...eeeuuuwww...another day facing the nutheads...

Mood : Angry, Mad, Lazy, Lazy, lazy...can't wait to go back


tfarahat said...

i agree. just be. just be yourself. who cares what people say. you are what you are. :)
i love this evil affecting everyone... :)

Anonymous said...

ko mmg sempoi sejak skolah..
jd ape yg ko smpei kan dlm hal ni..
mmg ade benornye..

ko mmg lain dr budak lain ms skolah rendah dulu...ko gile2...hahah:D.
tp ko smart.

sape x kenai adah ms kt skpz dlu.hehehe

Adeshi said...

hihihi..komen ko ni membuat aku blush2 la - blushing dlm hati sebab aku ni muke tak pernah merah..biologically memang tokle merah kalau malu! ahahaha...

Tulah..mase sekolah rendah..aku nye degil lagi la mcm pelik gila2...aku pikir2 balek kan..logik je kenape org mcm susah nak kawan2 ngan aku!

Ena..mak ko sihat?? Kirim salam kat CIkgu Hasmah ye :D
Aku masih ingat lagi..cikgu Math yang plg ditakuti ramai..hihihi..jgn marah tau!

Anonymous said...

kehkeh..agaknye smpei skang ade anak murid mak aku sumpah2 mak aku.hahahahahha..mak aku br je sehat adah..die br kna jangkitan kuman pd peparu...riso gile aku...

tp kan..mmg ade sorg exstudent mak aku kt skpz dlu kan..stil x pueh ati kt mak aku knp mak aku grang sgt dgn student2..hahahha..
die bgtau kt aku la..ehehhe..xpe..yg penting seme anak murid mak aku berjaya dlm bidang masing2..syyukur alhamdulillah...

ko stil ingt kt mak aku lg eh...imej garang die tu masih telekat kt stgh exstudent die kt skpz dlu..hahaha...
apepon time kasih coz ingt pd mak aku lg...

ko dlu aku tgk mmg lain dr bdk2 lain..n tgk ko n leny cm sempoi je...ehehhe..n ko pon aku tgk mcm bkn jenih kontrol ayu...
aku ni dlu observant kt skpz smpei skang.hahahah..

ko bkn bdk excellent yg nerd even ko smart.(ni bkn puji realiti) hahahha..

apepon nti ko kawen jgn lupe jmput okes.
