Saturday, April 11, 2009

Stale weekend story

Azel and me...

This week I have a difficulty focusing in whatever I it name it..i can't focus on anything :(
I miss our Karaoke session on Tuesday morning as my migraine came to visit me :( And I feel like a loser this whole week...I think this is what people call depression...I am so stressed and frustrated about everything! And it was hard to convert my RAW to JPEG this time..thanks to my depression level :( only have few picas..will try to upload more as I have some nice shots :D of Broga!

Even yesterday, when I saw my 'TO DO LIST', I feel like crying and when I speak, I confused people a my blog is not updated almost a week! But I have tonnes to tell tonnes to share...
Ok..let me tell you about my last weekend activity..It was a action packed weekend as usual...but what interest me the most is our morning hike to Bukit Broga Semenyih :) At first, I was cursing all the way up as I feel so tired...but once I was up's worth it and there will be a second or third or fourth trip..I am very positive! And as usual, being Martha wannabe, I brought 2 types of sandwich for everybody!

Itenary :

The fellowship - Adesh, Azel, Alan and Donat
The weapon (in above sequence) - Canon 350D, Canon 400D X 3
Woke up & Shower - 5:00 am (come to think abt it again, I don't think shower is necessary that morning
Embarks the journey - 5:30 am
Tepi ladang kelapa sawit - 6:30am
Start hiking - 6:45am

And we took more than an hour to reach the peak since one of our friend gets easily tired..I thought I was the weakest link :p

There was a few pit stops along the way...during the pitstop this is what happening :
Old chinese couple passing by : almost 5
Favourite phrase : Berdiri..Jangan duduk (One of the uncle scold me kaw2..ask me not to sit down while taking my breath.and that uncle...using a tongkat!!! very old)
Favourite story : When Azel in FRIM, hiking their way up, she asked one old chinese uncle, how far is the canopy...and the uncle replies 'Kalau makan banyak...jauuuhh...kalau makan sikit...dekaaat' offensive and funny :D
Favourite scene : Me sliding down the path of Bukit Broga when going down :D
Most awaited moment : someone is falling down funnily without hurting themselves (this is my cruel usual)
Frequently used phrase by Azel : Lembu (she imagine if there is would be more more nicer) and also..sikit lagi nak sampai...
Frequently used phrase by Alan : Adoi (the always tired one)
Frequently used phrase by Donat : Chim chim (which refers to me - thats what he call me sometimes besides from Chubby) cos I am always here and there and slipping and a wild cat
Frequently used phrase by Me : Sandwich? (cos I want them to empty the container!)

Photo taken from the first peak..
After our tiring hike..we reach the 1st was seems higher that we have ever climb...very nice view..very nice grassy hill..and 2nd peak is nicer and you can photograph the 1st peak from above and you will look like you are on top of the world..and thats what I feel...except it's getting hotter and hotter even if it's just 9++am...
We climb down..or slide down for me...hungry hungry...

Taken from 2nd peak..looking down at 1st peak

Went to Restoran Yus...then me and Donat went back to the kelape sawit area as just opposite it, there is a Rabbit Farmland..(but here they sell rabbit meat as well :(- sighs..whyyyy) tonnes of rabbit...cute cute little creature! And I've been forced to make friends with the donkey that apparently follows my every footsteps and pace...I was scareddddddd :( he follows me here and there...when i try to run..he run as well :( huhuhuhuhu...
The mebbits..4/200?

Adeshi mood : ready for cukur jambul shoot
Bugsy mood : I want a lop ear gigirl :D
Yoshi mood : My sensor feels like brand new after the service @ canon yesterday!!

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