Thursday, April 17, 2008


This is only a point of view from my observation to people that has been close to me these few months :

* I noticed that Arinsonians really loves STARBUCKS. I thought I was the weird one!
* I noticed that Arinsonians really into FACEBOOKING
* I noticed that Arinsonians really loves having lunch as early as 1130 am
* I noticed that Arinso Office has a lot of roaches, mama roaches, papa roaches...we do have em all!!
* I noticed that Arinsonians now are really into Waffles (there's a new stall opens next to Giant)
* I noticed that new hired Arinsonians are a bit sombong. What do I mean by sombong...when I smile, they dun even smile back! There goes my effort..wasted!
* I noticed that some people really don't know how to loosen up and have a break!
* I noticed that some people really relies on manipulating others to be a better person

And this is the part that critics on others :

* I really hate to share the elevator with crowd from the K***A office as they tend to speak loudly in the lifts, they make stupid jokes, they suddenly talks about politics and talk as if they are important to some minister, they smells terrible after lunch!! I mean..hello...tak penah pakai deodoran or beli perfume ke??
* I really hate when seeing people wearing tudung with a see through baju kurung sleeves..I mean come on..what make they feel that this is oK?
* I really hate it when the taxi drives talks crap about how low their fare and how unfair. Hello..NGV? does it rings any bells on how low do you get for gas?
* I really hate it when people says they don't have money as much as I earned! Do they have any ideas how much I earned every month? How much I have to spent for house, cars, loans etc2??
* I really hate it when people complaints about their work..and feels that they are the most worked employee of the year when they go back at 6pm sharp?

And this is where I feel it tickles!

* When people talks to me in Mandarin, Cantonese or even Hokkien...assuming I am Chinese
* When people feel I earned so much that I can buy anything I want!
* When people talks to me about Roger :D
* When I see people runnign for elevators as if that's the last one going up
* When the STARBUCKS baristas downstairs flirting with me and the next thing they know that I'm with someone! SO they really need to cover their ass up so that/hoping that Donat wouldn't noticed it earlier and they really have the funniest face when they are shocked+afraid+guilty!
* Adding my counsellor/ big boss in Facebook as one of my friends!

And things I should do more often :

* Watch more tennis...ASTRO is not showing enuff tennis!!
* Do archery more often, I am not bad for the try as I hit most of my wanted spots!
* BBQ more often...I love preparing the ayam percik marinate sauce and really sooth my workaholic side!
* Organized more frens outing even I am always turned down by people due to time and money as if I am planning a trip to Paris etc.

* Swim! and yes my class will commence this Sat 19th April! watch out dolphins..I am gonna beat your gracefull swimming style :P

And I LOVE it when I have LOST almost 10 kg since august 2007 till now..and planning to loose more and more..sampai kurus lar..smpai I fit size 27 Levi's jeans!!

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