Wednesday, December 19, 2007

RM 2 notes for RM500 Jusco voucher

My sister was very lucky. During her annual dinner yesterday there is a lucky draw. Minimum prize is RM200 Jusco voucher. And if I 'm not mistaken, (I am always lost if she starts nagging) she won the RM200 voucher. That was good enough for her. Then an expat at her office won RM500 Jusco voucher. Instead of taking it, he auction He will exchange it to anybody who have RM2 note there and then. And everybody doesn't have it except my sister. They exchange it and she was very very very happy...What an annual dinner for her. She tell me this during our phone chat yesterday..and she talks as if 'full stop' doesn't exist!

I think I'm going to start collect RM2 case something like this happen to me...ahahaha

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