Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Standing : Jasmei, Noa and Along, Sitting : Husband Ila..and Ila

Obviously, this is a wedding reception! What people didn't know is that the 3 ladies behind the 'Pengantin' are actually the wedding singer? Dun trust me? Seriously they are...I witness it myself. Before we headed to the wedding they actually had their last practice @ Superstar Alamanda. Just to make sure their voice in good shape =) This was taken on 1st December 2007

Here's the proof, that they are really practicing their heart out at Superstar karaoke. And Jasmei say "A glass of 100 Plus really can give you the energy to sing and you can project good voice too"...

And don't forget coreography, really important. You have to coordinate the steps so takdela berterabur depan audiences. You can see that they are really practicing their move..cayalah

And again, Jasmei said that another cup of Ice Sirap is really important in projecting good tone when singing....

I feel honoured to be in this picture. Dapat juge bergambar ngan wedding singer...rase bangga tak terhingga...Serius bangga...


Anonymous said...

tq tq tq tq for posting them photos! too badd taleh nak pegi..owwhh how i miss you guys right now.. you kalau nak buat kenduri, buat next year ok. cause im comin home baby!

Adeshi said...

dun wori cik yam dear..kenduri aku will be no sooner than 2008/2009 :)
anyway..rase tak fair to ila plak kan bcos main event wedding die..tapi aku g letak picts budak2 ni yg banyak..if nak lg..aku leh mail to u..muah...
*make sure gimme presents from japan..wuhuuu