Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I was looking for a taxi yesterday and decided to wait at the opposite road which is in front of Medan Tuanku Post Office. From afar I noticed 2 Indian lady, one is older than the another. The older Indian lady wore saree and the other wore modern clothes. They both were waiting for a taxi.

Looking at them, I feel like I need to start a conversation. Then this is how it goes :
Me : Kakak dah lame ke tunggu taxi? Takde nak berenti ye?
Older Indian Lady : Sudah lame juge. Memang mereka taknak berenti la. Bukan kite tanak bayarkan...

Silence with smile...
Older Indian Lady : Itu LRT sudah rosak you tau ke?
Me: Ye ke? yang mane satu? (since there are a few at my office)
OIL : Itu yang pergi KLCC, Dang Wangi...
Me : Oh..ye ke. Susahla..dahle hujan lebat ni...
OIL: Tak boleh buat ape2..saye kena turun..dari Dang Wangi..jalan pergi bank negara, takde taxi, lepas tu pergi SOGO, terlalu ramai. Then we decided to wait here...
Me : Kesiannye kakak...
OIL : U mau pergi mane? Kite kongsi taxi. nanti saye cakap pade driver drop u dulu kemudian baru hantar kite pergi seri gombak.

I was like thinking...Jalan Ipoh..Seri Gombak..not really in the same route..
Me : Takpela kak...nanti susahkan akak...driver taxi tu pun mesti takmau.
OIL: Takpe, kite cube. kalau boleh mesti saye suke menolong orang. Kite hidup kena tolong menolong...

Touched...I smile :) They still trying to haul a few cabs and it won't stop. And still, they can make jokes to each other happily besides the long wait and heavy rain...
Then the Younger Indian Lady smile and say to me :
YIL : Adik cube tahan satu. Who knows it's your luck.
Me : Ok, I try...

Without even have to wait 1 minute, a taxi stop to my surprise. I ask the driver to take them to Gombak but he refuse. Then I ask if he can go to Jalan Ipoh. Then he says he can drive me there. I feel guilty. I say to the ladies is it ok if I go ride the cab 1st?
OIL: Takpela..yang penting u balik dulu...tak elok perempuan sorang2 balik malam2. Hari sudah gelap..hujan lagi. very dangerous..go..takpe
With a smile I ride the cab...

I was touched by the kindness of both the lady and I was thinking if everybody have the same thought as this ladies, Malaysia will be a much better place than ever.

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