Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Our candid pictures throughout the race...

I don't feel like posting anything (the previous blog would scroll down and nobody will know the 3rd place story)! Hihihi...

Throughout the race, there's camera everywhere. My advice to those who rarely hangs around with photographers. They LOVE taking candid pictures!!! And always be careful on what you are doing as their eye is everywhere...they can zoom from across the street and a picture of you picking your nose etc :D

Some pictures of us..i must admit...the one with me and anul are damn funny! Credits to DOME, BIGBROTHER and CHOT for these candid pics!
Anul is not even wearing his shoes when they announce us as the 3rd place winner!!!

The pics in the laptop is mine!

The making of...Reading!

Reading...pura pura

I know somebody is shooting my pics..but I just ignore it..to help the photographers taking a natural candid!

Checkpoin num 2..I am exhausted!!!

Picture of the day - this is damn funny! We are actually trying to create 'FIVE' with anul fingers with KLCC backdrop! but we didn't submit this pictures after all!
Mood : Oh no..work today?
Bugsy mood : jilat kaki
Yoshi mood : rehat dlm drybox!

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